Sunday, 30 March 2014


This is the main page of Adash's promotional website

Hovering over the home symbol shows a drop down menu that takes you to other pages we created, and in a lower corner are links to Adash's social media sites.

Rachael, who is currently in charge of creating the website, created some mock-up merch items to put on Adash's website:

These items contain the jellyfish motif that we have kept constant through the video and both ancillary tasks. We also chose to use the picture of Adash that features on the main panel of the Digipak as the main image on the website so that both ancillary tasks are obviously interlinking. We included links to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr because we thought that because Adash was a young, independent artist, he may be more adept with social media sites and more interconnected to his audience as a result.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Adash bio

This is the draft of Adash's biography page on the website. It was based loosely upon a post Tom Milsom made on his Tumblr blog when he hit 30,000 followers as a type of introduction to his new fans. I tried to make it informal and friendly but still informative.

I am Adash. I'm 17 years old and I look like this:

I'm generally referred to as a musician, although I think of myself more as an audio-visual artist. I first started sharing creative content as a Youtuber when I was 14, but now I've given up making videos and become a full-time musician and graphic artist. I've always drawn a lot, ever since I was young, and over the last year I've channelled this into my album, Take Me Out, which is being released soon.

I've been playing some gigs in London recently to promote my album, and I've been really overwhelmed by the response and support from everyone. I've got some dates lined up in the UK over May and June of this year and you can find the dates here. I appreciate the support I get from you all so much, so I'd love it if you could join me.

Creating this album has kept me incredibly busy over the last year, but I have some exciting news for the next year. If everything goes to plan, I'll be supporting one of my favourite bands on their overseas tour. I can't say who it is yet but once everything's confirmed it'll be announced. Watch this space.