Thursday 23 January 2014

Audience Focus Group Feedback

We got a group of four 17/18 year olds to watch our music video as they are the primary intended audience demographic. We asked them their thoughts and these were the results:

What did you like?
  •         The jellyfish are in harmony with the music and add to the music video
  •         General feel of the video is good
  •        Said that this video would influence to buy the song more than if they’d heard the song by itself and they’d be more likely to watch and listen if it was being screened rather than listening on the radio
  •         The juxtaposition of Calvin and Adam was good

What would you change?
  •     Thought the beginning with Adam in the park was a bit incongruous because of Calvin in the same location later on
  •      Possibly make Calvin seem more isolated through filters on the shots (e.g. make them less vibrant than Adam’s shots)

Any other thoughts?
  •      Adam is better when he’s relaxed – for example in the last shot when he didn’t realise he was being filmed
  •       Thought that the genre was ambient dance – this is different to when we asked the focus group without showing them the video, who thought it was indie rock

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